
Friday, March 2, 2018

Caselli Series Books 1 & 2

Recently I received a copy of the following book in exchange for my honest review. This post will have book purchase advertisement. The FTC requires you to be given a fair warning! Now relax and enjoy the review.

The Pretender

My Jean-Marc’s uncle was married to an English woman, and she told us once, a very long time ago, that in this world there are men of two kinds.

The one, the KNIGHT, is the man possessing only strength and quality of moral character. He will never ask a lady to compromise her honor for less than a vow, and never, ever will he consider another once he has captured her heart. A knight keeps his vow, even when it hurts, and the honor of a knight is a thing a country is built upon. A knight comes along only seldom these days.

Now, a BLACKGUARD is a man who can be found quite easily, for it is an easy thing to be a blackguard. He attempts to trick the young ladies into taking him home and caring for him, making them believe their honor can be given away as a mere trifle, offering no vow, and making only human demands. The blackguard is to be avoided at all costs, for to settle for someone like him is to settle for something less than ideal.

In Rapid City, South Dakota, Tillie Casseli meets Noah Hansen. After a weekend of fun in the beautiful Black Hills and Mount Rushmore, it's love at first sight. They make a promise to each other before Tillie goes back home promising to return again. But when she returns a few weeks later she cant's believe what she sees. Could it be real or just a mistake? But Tillie doesn't stay to find out. Is Noah a blackguard or a knight? Tillie can usually see a blackuard from a mile away. What happened this time? How could she be wrong?

I love this book so much! I stayed up until 1 in the morning I don't know how many nights. I could not put it down, my mom was "making fun" because she doesn't normally see me with a book in my hand constantly.
Ta'mara had me hooked at first chapter and I cannot wait to read the second book!! I could give you the whole story but that would give it away when you should really read it yourself.

Book two is Pit of Ambition.
To learn more about Ta'mara go to her website here.
If you'd like to purchase the books you can do so on Amazon. It is 0.99 right now!

Pit of Ambition

This is the second book of the Caselli family series.

Tillie Caselli has married Alex Martin a famous lawyer. Before they were married he’d do anything to spend time with her but, now this young man is too focused on work, fame and fortune. Tillie is sick an can barely go to school. She goes to the doctor to find out she’s pregnant.
Noah Hansen has married Carrie and they are very happy together until the tragic death of Carrie’s mother  then fishy stuff starts happening. Carrie is expecting again and Noah is the best husband that anyone could have, coming home from work to check on his wife not working late more than he has to.

Guiseppi  finally realizes he made a big mistake by not telling Tillie what him and her mother knew about Noah from before they met. He can’t tell her now though, what good would that do? It would only make matters worse.
Alex and Noah are still good friends, Guiseppi meets Noah when he comes to Sioux Falls to check on a job building Angelo’s 2, Guiseppi’s second restaurant. He’s regretting the decision he has made.

This book was just as good as the first and I cannot wait to read he third one A Blackguards Redemption.
If you'd like to purchase the books you can do so on Amazon.

Ta`Mara Hanscom has worked on The Caselli Family Series since 1996. Within three weeks she had
created a 900 page rough draft of what would become a five- novel series of the epic love story of Tillie Caselli and Noah Hansen.

Loving all things Italian, Ta`Mara created the Caselli family true to their ethnic name. Born and raised in South Dakota, she brings this traditional family alive on the Great Plains where she has spent the entirety of her life.

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